This is another map, a commentary by Khenchen Thrangu
Rinpoche of the ninth karmapa´s Pointing Out the Dharmakaya.
You can download the e-version for free on Shenpen Osel,
that you will find in the Mahamudra Links of this blog.
You can read it, because it is very brief, and if you feel a
connection with it, you can start working with it, and maybe
later on you can get the transmission from a qualified master.
Now you have many maps available. All of them will take you
to the same place: the recognition of the Nature of your Mind.
But do not forget that without the help of a genuine master,
who will give you the transmission, it is very difficult to
use skillfully these mahamudra maps.
It is not impossible to do it by yourself alone, but you need
a very good karma and a very sharp mind.
If the connection with the mahamudra lineage is already
established, then it might be possible to practice by yourself
without the supervision of a genuine master, but you must
be really honest with yourself, because it is very easy to
deceive yourself thinking and imagining that you have
a high level of understanding when in fact, you are
slave of your ego´s phantasy.
Go ahead, mahamudra practitioner.