
Sunday, 5 December 2010

Longchen Rabjam: Great Perfection

If you stray from your fundamental nature,
the functioning of conceptual mind is samsara,
pure and simple.

It involves cause and effect- you have not come
to the decisive experience.

A person who makes this mistake falls lower and lower.

Therefore, the sublime secret- great perfection-does not
stray from basic space, and the expressions of dynamic
energy resolve within the ground of being.

Enlightened intent abides as an
unwavering state of equalness.

1 comment:

Vereda said...

Thank you Marpa

How marvelous!

Longchempa’s sublime secret …
To directly experience the Great Perfection …
The dynamic energy of naturally occurring timeless awareness …
Manifesting the universe of appearences and possibilities...
The decisive experience at the Union of Mahamudra and Dzogchen!

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